The most flexible and robust Call Center system on the market. Queue Management, DAC, Dashboard, Call Back, Prioritization, Tapping, Stress Analysis, Blended Operation.
The system allows the creation of unlimited multi-level IVRs (IVR tree) in a simple on line way.
In all IVR routing is possible to make external queries.
At any point in IVR you can access an external program such as a CRM / ERP and get information from the customer you called to:
- Play specific audios;
- Direct your call to custom sub-menus;
- Send SMS with Code Bars;
- Play all Code Bar numbers;
- Request reconnection of blocked systems;
- Play protocol numbers;
Calliope PBX has a complete queue management system:
- DAC;
- Reports;
- Call Prioritization;
- Custom queue audio for each type of client, or option on the IVR, or per product;
- Redirect Calls basead on average time or number of queued calls.
- Monitoring of calls in queue - Listening, Whisper and Conference;
- Stress Analysis of Queued Calls;
- Login Logout;
- Custom breaks with alerts in case of break time exceeded;
- Warnings before the Call goes to the Queue;
- Automatic return of calls that were abandoned in the Queue;
- Blended Operation, with inbond and outbound calls together;
- Multi-skill operators;
- Automatic sending for Satisfaction Survey;
- CTI to show call info;
- 03 Types of Dashboards:
- Complete for the supervising team;
- Summarized by queue - to be exposed to the agents;
- Summarized the entire operation - to get an overview of all active queues;
- Routing of queued calls based on date and time;
- Alarms based on Times, Queue Size and System Pause;
- Broadcast messages to the agents;
Calliope system has several APIs to allow manipulation from other systems. The APIs are made through connection to PBX database, Web Services and / GET / POST commands.